Company Newsletter



Hello everyone its CRAM-TIME!!! We are only weeks away from competition and we are all feeling a little stress but we can all do this and everything will be fine and work out!!!

I will not know our schedule until 2 weeks before the competition and as soon as I do I will send it your way and post it at the studio and on the website!!

We need everyone to be in class every class everyday until competition!! We only have about 3 more classes until competition!! That is about three weeks!!

Christina will be out Monday but I will be teaching all her classes. Some classes have costumes but you all need to be there she has sent me notes and videos on what to work on and add on so you all need to be there!!

Tuesday I am changing the schedule a little bit so we can finish all the dances and do formations!!! Again everyone must be there!!!

5;30-6-30 Jr Hip Hop

6:30-7:30 Jr and Sr Jazz

7:30-8:30 Brittany private


I will be at the studio at 5 Tuesday so if you can come and warm up and be ready to go that will be even better!!

March 14th Brittany is away so I will be teaching but can't run two classes at the same time! So here is the schedule for March 14th 

5:15-6 Jr Hip Hop

6-645 Jazz Tech for SR AND JR

645-730 Jr Jazz and Private (in back room)

730-815 Sr Jazz


Dress rehersal Will be held the last week in March. Christinas classes will have dress rehersal Monday March 27th  and Brittany and Caitlin will have Dress rehersal Tuesday March 28th and Maggie will have it March 29th. Rehersal will be held during your class time so please make sure you have all your things by dress rehersal and please bring your earrings so we know they are correct!! 


Competition Check List

  • Maybelline eyeshadow 04Q Charcoal Smokes
  • Maybelline Lipstick 691 Rich Ruby
  • Blush
  • Black eyeliner
  • Black Mascara
  • Demi 101 Eyelashes and glue
  • Makeup Remover
  • Hairspray
  • Gel
  • Bobby Pins (lots)
  • Hairnets
  • Hairties that match your hair color
  • Safety pins
  • Nail Polish remover!! (NO PAINTED NAILS! everyone forgets its simple to let it slip so please make it something in your makeup bag incase!!)
  • New Pizazz Gear to wear for awards!! I would love everyone to wear the new pizazz gear (black and teal) and black bottoms no booty shorts please I want us to look sharp, clean , and as a team!! I have ordered extra items if you would like to buy some!!
  • Earrings
  • Shoes
  • Tights please make sure you have extra!
  • Static guard


Costumes are starting to come in I know not all are in but they will be here ASAP I called today and they are being shipped!! Please PLease make sure you have everything ready for dress rehersal! I do not want to see pants that are too long tucked under or tucked in your shoes!! And PLEASE PLEASE make sure all costumes are out of their bags and hungup so they dont look like a hot mess on stage!!

Hair I would love the french braid under pulled up into a high bun but I am hearing a lot of complaints about it so I will get back to you on hair as soon as I talk to all your teachers!

Thank you for being amazing and supporting me and helping me through these crazy times. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I forgot!!!


Thank you


Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Sat, Dec 17, 2016
Updated: Wed, Mar 1, 2017