Dress Rehearsal and Recital

News Letter

Happy Monday and Happy Memorial Day!!!

The studio is closed today and will reopen Tuesday. Tuesday schedule... 5:15-7:15 Jr and Sr Company with Christina. Dads practice 7:30-8:30 its still not to late to join the class!!

Ticket and Tshirt order forms were due! A lot have not been turned in! I am plaing the order Tuesday afternoon, all dancers need a recital tshirt to particpate in the finale!! 

There are a lot of costumes hanging in the back room. If you have paid sept-May you may take your costume home with you next time you are at the studio.

Dress rehearsal will be held June 7th 4-9 at the Greenfield High school. We will be running it different from the past rehearsals we have had at Pizazz. Each class will have about 10 mins on stage that way we can go over all the little details like spacing and lines and entrance and exits. All dancers must wear their costumes, if you are in multiple dances please wear your first costume. Please also have your hair pulled up like you would for the show! Remember this is not the order of the show!!! 

Schedule for Dress Rehearsal:

  • 4-4:15 Tap 5-8 year olds (Thurs & Sat)  Do You Love Me…. If you are in Jazz stay on stage and just change your skirt and shoes
  • 4:15-4:30 Jazz 5-8 year olds (Thurs & Sat) Dance to the Music
  • 4:30-4:45 3&4 year olds Tap Love me Do. After Tap I will have all the dancers sit on the stage and we will change their shoes to ballet Heal the World.
  • 4:45-5 Hip Hop 5-8 year olds (Thurs & Sat) Shake it up Remix
  • 5-5:30 (might take longer) Finale!! All students will be in this!! Please do not wear your finale clothes just keep your dane costumes on!
  • 5:45-5:55 Jazz 9-11 (Thursday) Give me some Lovin
  • 5:55-6:05 Hip Hop 1 (Fridays) Whodunit
  • 6:05-6:10 Hip Hop 2 (Friday)
  • 6:10-6:15 Precompany Jazz Jump
  • 6:15-6:20 Musical The. Hard Knock Life
  • 6:20-6:30 Pre Company Tap
  • 6:30-6:40 Lyrical Imagine
  • 6:40-6:50 Pre Ballet
  • 6:50-7 Thursday Tap Waka Waka
  • 7-7:10 Ballet 2
  • 7:10-7:20 Pre company Hip Hop
  • 7:20-7:30 Ballet 3

All Company Dances 7:30-8:15

Fathers 8:15-9

Please remember that these are just rough times for each class on stage I will try not to go over and stick to the schedule but we might run ahead or we might run behind!! So I apologize in advance.

For the finale all dancers will be wearing jean shorts, sneakers and the recital t-shirt that you need to order by May 27th!!

Tickets and T-shirt forms are due May 22-27th. To receive your ticket and t-shirt forms you must have your tuition paid in full.

Costumes can go home with your dancer when your tuition is paid all the way through to May!

All Dancers must have an adult with them for both shows.

Gary Ant. Productions will be there Sunday to video tap the recital. You can order DVDS at the recital!! 

The show should be about 2 hours with a 15 min intermission. We will be selling snacks and drinks. Please remember no food or drinks in the auditorium. 

Dancers can change in the lockers rooms. Please remember we are renting the GHS and we all need to do our part and be respectful of the school and clean up after ourselves! 

During the recital we will have a dance on stage one lined up backstage and one lined up in the hallway. So please have your dancer ready and in the hallway to the right of the stage 3 numbers before. Dancers will exit from the left side of the stage then walk behind the curtain to the hallway to the right of the stage where you dropped them off. This will allow you time to get out of your seat and meet them in the hallway. Please remember to be s quiet as you can backstage and in the hallways. We ask that you stayed seated until the dance is over so everyone can enjoy the show. Incase of an emergency we ask that you take your child and be with your child at all times. If they are on stage or backstage during the show if there is an emergency Pizazz staff will meet you at the entrance of the auditorium. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or anything!!


Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Mon, May 29, 2017
Updated: Mon, May 29, 2017