What you need
What you will need:
Water bottle
Yoga mat or beach towel (this is what they will use to set up in waiting room for their designated spot)
Two snacks one for morning and one for afternoon
Extra pair of clothes in a zip lock baggie
Notebook with pen or pencil
A white tank top or shirt to decorate
Please make sure everything is labeled with your name on it. And everything should be in a backpack!
All dances shoes please pack if you have them if you do not please do not worry just make sure you have sneakers!!
I will post themes for each day. We encourage dancers to dress up for each theme but not required. We will do a craft that goes with that theme as well.
All dancers will learn a dance for each style of dance we offer and we will post a daily schedule in waiting room each day.
Drop off is at 845 and we will begin dancing at 9. Parents the first day are required to come in and sign their dancer in and leave an emergency number. After the first day you can drop off. If a dancer is being picked up by someone other than you please leave their first and last name on the sign in sheet. Pick up is at 3.
Because dancers will be setting up in waiting room with their yoga mats and towels which will be left there over night the waiting room is closed. We ask parents to do quick drop offs and pick up I'll have the garage door open and can send them out to u as soon as I see you.
You must say goodbye to me before you leave!
I'm still waiting to hear back from the board of health about mask! As soon as I hear from them I will let you know.
Any questions please reach out to Caitlin or leave a comment below
Themes will be posted Tomorrow
Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Mon, Jun 21, 2021
Updated: Mon, Jun 21, 2021