Sept. Newsletter

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With a new year starting and COVID-19 still here we need to inform you of some new studio rules…More information is located on our website under downloads! We will be following all state and town of Greenfield protocols and guidelines to ensure your dancer’s safety which is our number one priority.

Studio Rules

  • Masks must be worn at ALL times.
  • All dancers should have a small dance bag that holds all their belongings and dance shoes. Everything must be labeled. including water bottles. Please make sure water bottles are easy for dancers to open and close.
  • Please be kind and helpful to everyone. No bullying or discrimination is allowed. Pizazz is a safe, kind, healthy, and happy environment for ALL!
  • If a dancer or someone in the dancers home is not feeling well they need to stay home. Please make sure Caitlin knows when a child is out 413.230.0567 Text is BEST.
  • The waiting room is closed at this time. We ask only DANCERS to enter the building. Dancers 4 and under are allowed to have one adult with them. We will offer once a month if safe to have viewing days for each class. Parents can come in and help dancers get ready if needed.

Payment Policy

  • Tuition is a yearly fee divided into 10 monthly payments. Payments are due the first week of the month.
  • $10.00 Late fee will be added each month if payments are received 10 days after due date!
  • If your payment is more than 30 days overdue, your dancer will no longer be able to participate in classes until your bill is paid.
  • If your payment is returned due to insufficient funds, you will be charged a fee of $15.00
  • Tuition can be mailed to Caitlin Vautour 80 East Rd Orange MA 01364 or VENMO @Pizazzdance6. 10% discount if paid in full. Tuition is non refundable.

FIRST CLASS/CHILD $500.00 for 10 Months

$50.00 per month

SECOND CLASS/CHILD $900.00 for 10 Months for 2 classes or 2 children

$40.00 per month

THIRD CLASS/CHILD $1250.00 for 10 months for 3 classes or 3 children

$35.00 per month

FOUR OR MORE CLASSES/CHILD $1550.00 for 10 months for 4 classes or 4 children

$30.00 per month

Registration Fee $15 per dancer or $20 per family

Cancellations /Holidays and extra fun!

  • We live in New England and due to inclement weather classes may be canceled. If classes are canceled we will post first on Facebook on our Pizazz Dance Studio page, Website, and WHAI. You can always call or text 413.230.0567. Please always double check before heading to dance if weather does not look good. We also follow most schools cancellations as well. If Greenfield has a snow day the is a 99% chance Pizazz will be closed as well.
  • You can find all holidays and closed days on our website at We will also keep you posted through our Facebook page and have reminders at the studio.
  • Pizazz Dance Studio does have a company dance team and these teams do travel. The studio might need to close on some weekends if there is a dance competition or a dance event that Pizazz is being a part of. There will be plenty of notice if this happens and when the studio will be closed
  • We will have special events and fun activities throughout the year for dancers please double check calendar on our website and keep an eye on events through Facebook
  • If covid-19 spreads in an uncontrollable manner, Pizazz Dance Studio may need to close with little to no notice. We will implement a plan to finish the month online through zoom until further notice.

Dancer Attire

All dancers need to have their hair pulled back away from face at all times, and a mask. All dancers must wear something they can move in. If you are in a ballet class you need tights, leotard and either a skirt or tight dance shorts. NO JEANS!

We do have leotards, tights and shoes for sale in our waiting room. WE also sell cute dance bags and pizazz dance attire as well!


  • Tap/Ballet combo class- Black tap shoes and Pink ballet shoes
  • Tap/Jazz combo class- Black tap shoes and ballet shoes or pirouettes or jazz shoe
  • Tap/Lyrical combo class- Black tap shoes and ballet shoes or pirouettes
  • Hip Hop- Clean sneakers that have never been worn outside
  • Jazz and musical the.- Ballet shoes or pirouettes or jazz shoe


Please do not park in Walgreen parking lot you will be towed. Please be aware of town parking bans and parking signs. Also please do not use the driveway next to the studio to drop off dancers or turn around in. We have had many complaints in the past. We also ask that parents do not pull up on curb in front of door because we don't want any dancer to get hit walking in and out of building.

Recital and Public Performances

We hope to have a recital at the Greenfield High School this year in June. I have submitted my paperwork and as soon as I get the ok I will make the announcement. Pizazz Company dancers will be performing at the Great Falls Festival again this year please come support and dance with us!

To stay connected with Pizazz and all updates and information please like our Facebook page: Pizazz Dance Studio. We will keep it updated daily. Check out our website for more information protocols and guidelines! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Caitlin directly through text or call 413.230.0567 or through email

Thank you!