Welcome Letter

First Day of dance Sept 11th

Welcome Back or Welcome to Pizazz!

I cant believe dance is right around the corner! We are very excited to be dancing with you all. Below you can find information for the upcoming year but please follow us Facebook to stay updated and get quick updates.

Classes Start Sept 11th

Pizazz Dance Studio

6 Pierce St

Greenfield, Ma 01301

413.230.0567 (call or text)


Tuition: tuition is due the first week of each month. We are no longer taking personal checks. We accept Venmo @pizazzdance6 Caitlin Vautour or cash . A 10.00 late fee will be added to your account if received after due date. Please remember that tuition is broken up into 10 months. Sept-June. Tuition is non refundable

Parking: I would suggest street parking or the parking lot behind the church and use the cross walk. Please do not park or turn around in the driveway next to the studio and please don't park there as well that is for tenants only..… Your car will be TOWED. Parents may drop off older students (5 and up) please be careful pulling up by door dancers run in and out of studio. Please look for no parking signs you will get towed!

Dance Floor: dancers are the only ones to enter the dance room. Parents and siblings are asked to stay and wait in waiting room quietly please. Dancers get easily distracted and shy if others are in watching or loud in waiting room. I know it's very exciting the first couple of days and you want to get videos and pictures but please use the window! We also ask dancers to wait in waiting room for teacher to let them come in. This allows the teacher to set up and prepare for their class. If classes are held in the back room there is no observation window and ask parents to stay in waiting room.

Waiting room: please remember to be respectful in waiting room and clean up after yourselves. We ask no chairs in front of window that way everyone is able to see. Please no running around dancing or flips and cartwheels in waiting room. And please do not play with garage door or climb on gate in front of garage door. Desk and behind desk is off limits to everyone expect staff and staff kids. Last year we had lots of issues in waiting room and in the bathroom. Please be kind and respectful to everyone and our property. We do have a camera now located in the waiting room (smile you are on camera!). If you need to go behind desk to look at merchandise you may go back and look.

Dance attire: please wear something you can move in. Tap shoes if you are in tap and ballet or lyrical shoes if you are in ballet or lyrical. Jazz and musical theater can be barefoot. Hip hop and cheer dance should wear clean athletic shoes or barefoot! Hair must be pulled up and out of face! Please no JEANS! Dancers should bring a water and a dance bag with everything labeled with their names on it. Please only water and no glass bottles. Little dancers with combo classes are asked to bring their dance shoes in when class starts and we will help them switch them into their ballet shoes. Parents are asked to stay in waiting room when we are changing shoes. Please make sure dancers have dance bag and everyone labeled.

Dancers should go to the bathroom before class to help with distractions.

Parents of Tiny dancers (ages 2-4) please please don't give up on your dancer. The first 6 weeks are very hard and transition can be super hard a lot of tears but please I promise they will adjust and fall in love. If you need to the bandaid trick we can help you with that and don't worry about the crying and screaming we will do our best to help calm and comfort them. If it is too hard we will ask if you want to sit with ur dancer in the back and watch and observe. If you do we ask one parent to sit with them. Parents in the past have had to join in on dancing but that becomes too much of a distraction and once one parent does they all want their parent so we are going to try to limit that if we can sometimes it's the only thing that will work. If your dancer is running around and screaming or slamming doors you may come in and remove dancer until they calm down. The first couple of days we will be getting to know each dancer and getting to know the dance space and routine. This helps ease everyone back into the routine and gets them excited to come back each week. This is another example why we do a 10 month program.

Most classes will have an assistant helper or helpers. These assistance are our trained company dancers who will help with whatever needed.

As most you know I am expecting a baby come February. my Due date is around the 10th but we all know babies come when they want! My plan for the year is when we come back from winter break Jan 2nd I will have another staff member shadowing me and allowing the dancers to get familiar with the new teacher. I am hoping to be back as soon as I can and pick up were we left off. My plan is to be back no later than feb vacation or back after feb vacation depending on when she makes her arrival!

As classes start the first couple of weeks we are very flexible and move dancers around to find the perfect fit for each dancer. We also take this time to make new friends and get to know the studio. Our program is a 10 month program to allow dancers to learn the steps/technique and feel comfortable before performing on stage. It is also a great way to build confidence. We will start dance routines when we come back from winter break which will allow enough time for dancers to know their routine comfortable on stage for our big recital in June!

We will be ordering costumes after winter break, because costumes fees are covered in tuition we ask that tuition be paid sept-Dec in order for costumes to be ordered. When costumes arrive dancers will try them on and if tuition is caught up to date they will sent home.

Extra costs that may come up during the year: recital finale t-shirts $20.00 each. These shirts will be sold for dancers who want to participate in the finale which is encouraged. Tights which will range from $5-$10 for the recital and of course dance shoes if you need them.

Upcoming events and information will be posted on our website but if you have Facebook that is our go to for quick updates! Please like and follow the correct pizazz Dance Studio page! We follow the Greenfield Public School calendar for snow days and vacation it is also posted on our calendar on our website as well.

Snow days are not made up classes it is something we can not control. If we ever have to cancel a class for any reason besides weather or something not out of our control we will post make up dates.

Information will be sent through our website so please make sure you have the correct email listed. we will also post information throughout the studio on the bulletin boards and the desk.

We have a Pizazz Company Dance Wall…… Information posted on that wall will only pertain to company dancers.

Recital will happen in June! We try to do the weekend before fathers day but we will not know until the school approves and finalizes everything. They have to figure out graduation and everything else before they give us the ok. As soon as I know I will let you all know.

If you ever have any concerns or questions or anything please contact Caitlin directly. Email pizazzdancestudio6@gmail.com or cell: 413.230.0567 you can text too which is highly recommended!

We are so excited to see you all very soon. We will have special events and dances coming soon with dates like Bring your friend to dance, Halloween parties, pajama days, father daughter dances and much more. We also will have Jojo Siwa and a Taylor Swift weekend workshop as well and more!

Please make sure waiver is signed for the first day of dance!

Cant wait to see you all and thank you for choosing Pizazz


Attached File:

Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Mon, Aug 14, 2023
Updated: Mon, Aug 14, 2023