Important Dates and Upcoming News

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Updated dates for April Vacation..... Sorry for the confusion.

Important information

Please remember we follow the Greenfield public schools for holidays and vacations and snow days!

If Greenfield has no school then we will be closed. If Greenfield cancels their after school activities due to weather then we will be closed as well. I will post on Facebook and on our website and will contact whai.

We now sell Pizazz gear with our new logo at silver screen in Greenfield and at customized girl

Links are below

Important Dates and Upcoming News

Studio closed Jan 15th Martin Luther King Jr Day

Jr and Sr company perform at UMass men's basketball game 1/20. Saturday dancers only time change for class will be 9:15am-9:45 tap/ballet 9:45-10:15am hip hop. Thank you for understanding!

Jr and Sr company perform at Springfield Thunderbirds 1/27

February 17-23 studio will be closed for February vacation

March 15-17 studio closed due to dance competition

April 1st recital packets will be sent home and will need to be returned before vacation

April 19-21 dance competition

April 15-21 studio closed for April Vacation

May 27th studio closed for memorial day

June 5th 3-8pm dress rehearsal at GHS

Recital dates: June 8th at 5pm and June 9th at 2pm. @GHS

This week dancers will be getting measured for their costumes. This will take place during each class. Please make sure dancers are wearing leotard and tights no tutu or skirt that is attached. If they do not own a leotard or tights please wear something fitted like a full piece bathing suit and leggings or fitted shorts!

As I get closer to my due date Feb 10th you will notice teachers shadowing me a week prior or earlier if needed. My amazing wonderful staff is going to fill in for classes while I'm gone. My plan is to return after February vacation and finish and work on recital dances!!

Tuition needs to be paid from Sept including registration fee-Jan in order for me to order a dancer a costume. Anyone with outstanding balances during the time of ordering will receive a costume fee for me to special order their costume to come in on time. Costumes take a while to come in and will be passed out after April Vacation. In order to receive your costume you must have your tuition paid from January -May. Please remember tuition includes your costume and is broken down into 10 payments from Sept -June.

Recital packets with all information such as ticket order forms and finale tshirts will be handed out the first week in April and will need to be returned to me before vacation. Tickets will be sold at the door as well but presale tickets will be sold through the packet for a lower cost!

All dancers will need light suntan stirup or footed tights depending on what class they are in. Sneakers for hip hop depending color of costume we will let you know what color! black tap shoes for all tap classes and pink ballet slippers for all ballet classes. I will have an order form for you all with what each class will need as we get closer to the recital and a costume book.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me through email

Thank you


Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Wed, Jan 3, 2024
Updated: Thu, Jan 4, 2024