Dress Rehearsal Draft Schedule fixed times!!

Round 2 times are fixed!!

Fixed times!!! Thank you for letting me know and sorry for confusion

Pleae double check Schedule and make sure i did not forget anything as I always do!!! If there are any questions please let me know ASAP

Dancers will need their hair and mke up done as they would for the recital. This is a practice run for everyone. Please make sure no nail polish, and jewelry.

Lable everything! Dancers should not be eating or drinking in their costumes!

Schedule for Dress Rehearsal:

Always come 10/15 mins early incase we are running ahead of schedule. Please remember these are rough times we may go over or under! After you are done for the night we ask for everyone to leave. All dancers who are not in company must leave at 6:45 thank you! Please make sure you have all your costumes and pieces and please pick up your mess. There is no food or drinks in auditorium.

  • 2-4 year olds Tap Choo Choo Boogie/ Ballet Over the Rainbow 3:30-4
  • 5-8 Year old Thursday Tap Rt 66/ Ballet Fly to Your Heart 4-4:30
  • 2-4 Year old Hip Hop Rio 4:30-4:45
  • 5-8 year old Hip Hop World Wide Party 4:45-5
  • Finale 5-5:30 (do not wear finale outfit! 2-4 year olds wear your Rio costume or tap/ballet if you were not in hip hop, 5-8 year olds please wear your hip hop costume if you were not in hip hop just wear your tap/ballet costume with no skirt, 9&up please wear your tap costume with no tap shoes, Musical theater, cheerdance, level 1 ballet, and 9&up hip hop only if you are in hip hop wear your costume) No tap shoes please go barefoot or sneakers)
  • 9 and up Thursday Tap Roam/ Jazz Hit the Road Jack 5:30-5:45
  • Musical Theater Fabulous 5:45-5:55
  • 9 and up Thursday Hip Hop Party All Round the World 5:55-6
  • Cheer dance Fired up at Seaside -6-6:10
  • Level 1 Ballet 6:10-6:20
  • Level 2 Ballet 6:20-6:30
  • Mini Company Dances Tap/Jazz/HipHop 6:30-6:45 (no costumes)
  • Level 3 Ballet 6:45
  • Jr and Sr Company (no costumes) 6:45-7:45

**dancers who are in combo classes….. you will not leave the stage to change your shoes. 2-4 year olds and 5-8 year olds parents will come up to change shoes, and skirt if needed 9 and up dancers will leave shoes backstage change shoes and skirt real quick. Please label all dance shoes and costumes including skirts!**

During Dress rehearsal we ask that everyone is kind and respectful and quiet. we need dancers to focus on stage and able to hear what they need to do. After the finale we will go over all questionsa and everythingyou will need to know. I can also answer any questions before dress reh at the studio. PLease remember this will take place Wed June 5th at the Greenfield High school . Tickets and tshirts will not be passed out during rehearsal time please make sure you have everything before JUNE 5th!

Attached File:

Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Mon, May 13, 2024
Updated: Mon, May 13, 2024