Please go over all these rules with your dancer before classes start
Hair must be pulled back and out of face at all times
Dancers must wear clothes they can move and dance in (NO JEANS)
Company Dancers must wear leotard, tights and/or spandex shorts or ballet skirt if needed and hair must be in a dancer bun not a messy bun on Tuesdays. Wednesdays Company dancers can wear black legging, and Pizazz Shirt, hair must be pulled back out of face and no fly aways!
Only dancers my enter the dance floor, parents, siblings, and friends must stay out in waiting room quietly
No chairs against the waiting room window
No climbing on desk and gate by garage door
Please be kind and respectful in the waiting room, please pick up after yourselves and please keep noise to minimum to help with distractions.
The backroom is off limits for parents/friends to watch
No hanging on ballet bars and climbing on equipment without permission
No crashing into mirrors
Please no throwing toys or balls, running, flips, screaming, in waiting room
No Running or Screaming in classes or in waiting room
Please clean up after yourselves
Please be kind and respect all dancers and their needs including staff
Food and Drinks need to stay off dance floor….. Water only
Water bottles should only be filled with water if dancers are taking them into the dance room. Dancers should label all their dance shoes and have everything in a dance bag. We ask for toys and stuffed animals to stay at home. Dancers who are 2-4 need to have at least one adult with them at all times in the studio. Dancers 4.5 and older can be dropped off. We encourage drop off as it is best for dancers and less distractive! If dancers are not able to attend class please contact Caitlin 413-230-0567 — Text is fine! Please make sure dancers arrive on time or 5 mins before class starts so classes can begin ASAP!