Welcome Carter!!
Dance starts this week!!!
Hello everyone I hope you all have enjoyed your summer and are ready to dance! I would like to introduce Carter James to everyone. We are all very excited and happy to meet you all but have not been cleared to go back to dance quite yet but don't worry you are all in great hands. My wonderful staff have rearranged their schedule to cover my classes and they are absolutely amazing. If you ever have any questions or concerns you can always contact me. Thank you all for being so flexible and understanding.
Doors will open 15 mins before the studio starts which allows teachers to get ready! Please make sure you have appropriate dance attire on and hair up! For the younger dancers in the combo class we ask that dancers bring in their ballet shoes and the staff will help them change their shoes for them if needed! Please make sure all shoes have names on them and it seems to work best if they have a little dance bag as well to keep their stuff together.
We ask that parents stay in the waiting room at all times. This will help with our shy dancers and allows dancers to focus in class. We do have two dance rooms. The back room has no observation window but I promise you you we rotate every other week so you will get a chance to see your dancer!
Tuition and registration need to be paid when dance starts. And all other payments should be paid the first week of each month. You can mail me tuition 80 east Rd orange ma 01364 or set up online payments through your bank the account number would be dancers names. If you are bringing tuition to dance there is a rule box located near the desk on the wall. Please make sure if you have a check the dancers name is in the memo for cash please put in an envelope with dancers name date and amount.
Parking please do not park at Walgreens you will get towed and please do not park in the parking lot to the right of Pizazz. That parking lot is for the apartments located in the back of Pizazz. Please remember when dropping off dancers to not block any driveways! You can park on st or use church parking lot. All dancers are ok to be dropped off except for our 2-4 year olds dancing in the combo.claas we ask that an adult be with them!
Thank you all very much for everything and I am super excited once I'm cleared to be back dancing with you all!!!
Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Tue, Sep 18, 2018
Updated: Tue, Sep 18, 2018