Happy new year!
Hope all is well and everyone is excited to get back to dance! Maggie is still out of town Wednesday Jan 2nd so there will be no ballet tomorrow!! The studio will be open tomorrow but for only Jr and Sr tap and hip hop and a private class!
It is important for dancers to attend classes now that we are starting dances for the recital. And ordering costunes.
Reminder tuition needs to be paid from SSeptember-december in order for me to order a costume/s for your dancer.
Dance recital will be at the greenfield highschool June 15&16 I know it is father's day weekend but it was the only weekend available. We will do an earlier time on Sunday so folks can spend time with their families!!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
413.230.0567 or email pizazzdancestudio6@gmail.com
Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Tue, Jan 1, 2019
Updated: Tue, Jan 1, 2019