Final weeks....

Season coming to an end

It's the final two weeks left before the big show!!!!

Classes will run normal times and schedule from Tuesday May 28th- June 8th

Studio will be closed.... Monday June 10th, Tuesday June 11th, Thursday June 13th and Friday June 14th.

Wednesday June 12th we will only be holding ballet classes!!!

Dress rehearsal will be held June 13th at the greenfield highschool we will start right at 330! Once your dancer performs their dance and the finale you are free to go. Please make sure you have costume alterations done before dress rehearsal. No straps hanging down or shorts or skirts falling off. Please remember makeup and hair needs to be done just like you will for the show. Hair in high bun no bangs and flyaways.

Shire photography will be set up in the hallway to do photos if anyone would like to get their dancers picture taken.

Recital tickets will be ready for pick up June 3rd-8th week if your tuition is paid in full!!

Fingers crossed shirts will in by then too to pass out if not I will have them for you at dress rehearsal!! Please do not wear finale clothes to dress rehearsal please wear coatumes that way we can keep dress rehearsal moving along!!

If you have any questions or concerns please please contact me directly!! Email is good too....


Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Tue, May 28, 2019
Updated: Tue, May 28, 2019