Covid-19 plan B

Return to Pizazz

Dear Pizazz dancers and parents,

As places start to open and we start to get back to our "normal" pizazz dance studio will hopefully be able to open in phase 3 with absolutely strict guidelines and protocols for us to follow.

Our plan at Pizazz is to finish the year online through Facebook live and zoom classes until June 13th. I would like to have some kind of celebration for all dancers since we can not hold our recital at this time. I have something special for all dancers and would love to see them as well! This is something we plan on doing at the end of June as soon as I get permission and everything set up. This event will take place outdoors to keep everyone safe and of course there will be guidelines and more information to follow.

Moving forward our plan is to open our doors by August following strict guidelines and protocols. As soon as everything is in place and ready we will touch base with a schedule and plan. We will start with our older company dancers first and slowly migrate more dancers in. Hopefully in September we will all be allowed to be back in and dancing together to start our new dance year! Please be patient with us while we get everything ready, set up, and inspected so we can keep our dancers and staff safe and our doors open.

At this time we ask if you have any outstanding tuition due from September-march to be paid by June 14th. Please remember this is something out of our hands and our control and this something we take very serious to keep everyone safe. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me. I will keep you all posted and updated as we go through uncertain times. We may be apart but we are together at heart and we can get through this together.

Thank you all for understanding and I really appreciate everyone and staying by my side during these hard times. I love my pizazz family and couldn't ask for anything more!

Miss and love you all


Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Sun, May 31, 2020
Updated: Sun, May 31, 2020