Welcome 2021!

Happy New Year

Welcome 2021!!!!

What a year it has been....but glad to welcome everyone back!!

All protocols and guidelines are still in place at the studio. Waiting room is still closed and everyone entering the building must wear a mask and have temps check. Please remember to talk to dancers about how important it is to keep mask on and to stay in their square. I understand it's so hard esp when are friends are here and we want to hug them! Stuffed animals and toys need to stay home. Please remember that all dancers need something on their feet at all times and a water bottle.

As we enter the new year we will be working on dances for our upcoming (fingers crossed) performance in June!!!! Like I said fingers crossed. As of now we plan on performing at the fairgrounds outside the last weekend in June! When we get closer I will have more information and new protocols and guidelines to follow. We are hoping for a lot of volunteers and patience...... Pizazz has never done a recital outdoors and or with strict guidelines! So please be kind as we all try to figure everything out!! With that being said we are thinking of doing some kind of circus.... Greatest showman theme! We are still working on a name but in that direction!

At the end of January we will be measuring for costumes. Please remember factories are still closed or running at a slower pace due to the pandemic but will keep everyone informed as we go along.

Please remember tuition is due the first week of each month.

Any Thursday dancers that missed out on our pajama party please remember to wear your PJs on Thursday and we will make up for it!

Thank you everyone for being amazing and helping keep our doors open!!

There have been some time changes to the schedule:

Tuesday mini company lyrical 530-6

Wednesday company tap classes are being combined because of this and the waiting room closed we had to change the schedule a bit. This is the new schedule we have talked to all dancers about this before:

Company group A hip hop is 530-6:15

Company group A and B tap 6:15-7

Company group B 7:15-8

Please remember if you are feeling under the weather or someone in your home is sick you need to stay home as well. We all need to be extra cautious during these uncertain times. We follow all CDC and MA guidelines and the town of Greenfield guidelines!

This will be sent through email as well!! But if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email Caitlin at pizazzdancestudio6@gmail.com

Thank you

Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Sun, Jan 3, 2021
Updated: Sun, Jan 3, 2021