Studio closed Feb 2nd

Lesson plans for today

Due to a lot of snow, and possible freezing rain headed our way during dance time the studio will be closed....... But we have some fun activities for dancers..... All mini dancers if you can and have permission from parents dance in the snow and we would love to see a picture or video of the dance you made up..... If you have started your dance please practice those too. Don't forget to always stretch before dancing. If you can't dance in the snow we would love to see either a dance video or a dance picture of you practicing inside or and Also if you have time help us design our recital t-shirts!!! Draw an outline of a shirt and start designing.... Remember our theme is circus/ fair. We also don't have a name for the recital so if you can think of one yours might be picked! For example: Pizazz Dance Studio presents Under the BIG Top ??2021! Be creative and we can't wait to see it! Winner gets a Free t-shirt!

Group A and Group B ballet: Maggie or I will be doing zoom classes with you online. I will post links and times around 2pm. If you are unable to attend no worries at all please just practice your dances and always stretch and warm up. I'll post on Facebook!!!

Posted: to Pizazz Dance News on Tue, Feb 2, 2021
Updated: Tue, Feb 2, 2021